Google Plus +1 Social Button for Websites Now Live

Google has just introduced a new social button called Google Plus One. It is basically a button similar to the Facebook “like” button which is shorthand for “You should check this out”.You click this +1 button to give a web page your recommendation to your friends and the searchers which will really help people find relevant results  more quickly and easily.

The plus one button can be found in two places on the web, the Google search listings (currently available only when you’re logged into your Google account. After log in you’ll be able to see the plus one button next to search results) and individual web pages. You can access code for adding Google Plus +1 to individual web pages from order to use the plus one button you’ll need a Google account. If you use Gmail then you already have a Google account.  While you’re logged into your Google account you’ll be able to see the plus one button next to search results. Simply click on the button to recommend that search listing to the world. 

Are you ready to use this new button.. Come on.. Just try now. If you really like this blog, then click the Google +1 button seeing on Top Right of this Blog.I hope you will love both Google +1 Button and this Blog. 


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